This part is no longer manufactured by the factory. The replacement part is 7398705 – Click Here to See the Part
** Note that the new version uses a “quick connect” fitting to connect to the brine tubing and no longer needs a ferrule nut and threads to connect to brine valve/float assembly **
7253808 - Nozzle and Venturi Kit (Blue Disc Inside) 7253808 - Nozzle and Venturi Kit fits Northstar, Sears Kenmore, Whirlpool, GE, Morton and EcoWater Softeners. The GE Part Number for this item is WS15X10036, and there is a Whirlpool number 7257454 that also cross references with this part. This item is typically used on systems 40,000 grains in size or larger. This kit includes the entire assembly with the BLUE injector disc.